Even the Most Stylish Women Make These Mistakes


We all make mistakes and in fashion, all we need is to look at a decade old picture to confirm. And while the most stylish women seem like they are always getting it right, there are few mistakes that they make too. These are mistakes made by every woman. We may all be guilty of these mistakes but acknowledging them is the first step you will take.

So here are the mistakes that we all make and feel guilty about to help us overcome the challenges you face in styling.

Not layering right

Mix match can be a handful. Even with the best ways, you may end up failing to layer right. It is okay to mix prints and textures but when it feels like too much you can always add a belt to break the chaos.

Shopping for final sale and regretting it

Having to shop for a great sale is ideal for all but know if you will be able to return those items. There are many times we purchase something from the final sale and end up having clothing piece that doesn’t fit.

Splurging on an item just because it’s on sale

The low price tag gets us excited. But ask yourself would be purchasing the same item if weren’t on a discount? If you think no then you should step back and consider its worth.

Not tailoring the clothing

Adding one more chore to your to-do list, ugh is so boring. But it is always good to run to the tailor to get the clothing items tailored to make it from a good piece to a great one.

Plunging in too hard into a trend

It is okay to try out the new trends but it is difficult to come back when you are completely lost in them. Most of the time, even the most stylish women, fall prey to not keeping their personal perspective on fashion and plunging into trends and getting lost.

Wearing the same clothing pieces again and again

You have some staple pieces that become the pillar of your outfit. However wearing the same t-shirt or jacket again in a weeks span even if it is a favorite piece of yours is really an error. You need to shake things up.