Dating Tips for Men from a Women’s Perspective


For men as well as women there are numerous questions surfacing their minds before, during and after a date. So here some top dating tips for men to help your date be a success.

First impressions

You don’t have to pretend to be someone you are not but a girl may like to see that you have put some efforts in your appearance for the date. So you don’t have to splurge on a newly polished tux but grooming, shaving wearing something appropriate for the venue you are having the date will be suitable. Also, be on time and you will surely impress her.

Have a date somewhere you feel comfortable

Women like when they see the man take control and plan out a date. This is an advantage for you because you can arrange to meet a familiar place so that you can decrease some of the nervousness and feel more comfortable with the date. Although avoid choosing pubs.

Avoid doing all the talking

You don’t want to bore your date with details unless she asks you to elaborate. If the dates go well you will have plenty of opportunities to share stories in the future. Keep it short and concise but interesting. Listening is the key. As this shows you are interested in knowing the other person more.

Keep the conversation fun

Women love when a man can share fun stories and make them laugh. Asking quiet intellectual questions can be another plus. But talking about how you had a miserable day at work or how things have been going downhill will take the date vibe south. You need to be serious but at the early stages, you should have some fun.

Never talk about your ex

This should be explanatory enough. Your date completely feels disinterested as soon as she hears the word ex. Things become awkward and if she is the one bring up the subject then keep it short displaying that you consider your past as history. Show you are interested in knowing her more.

Turn your phone off

Fidgeting with your phone, being distracted by notifications, attending calls are a total turn off on a date. Why not turn off the phone? When she sees you focusing on the date she will appreciate the time you are engaging in getting to know each other.

Offer to pay

In today’s world women will assume they are to be paying for their share of the bill but on your first date insist that you pay. This will make you look like gentlemen and if she insists on paying then suggest that she gets the bill on your next date.

Do follow up in the right way

If you don’t want a second date to happen then just say I had a great time tonight. Don’t falsely say you will call her. Don’t play games if you don’t want to see her again. But if you truly want to have a second date then set up immediately for another one. The sooner you tell her the better.

(Photo credit: Giphy)