Business Ideas That Need No Office Space


Are you thinking of setting up a business, but are not quite ready to invest money on buying or renting an office space? Chill, here are business ideas that need no workspace. Not all the businesses need plush office space so that they can succeed. All a business needs is a great entrepreneur who puts in a lot of hard work and long hours. The possibilities are numerous for solopreneurs and people who wish to keep everything simple.

Read on the list of business ideas that need no office space and pick the one that suits you best.

Online Marketing

Digital media marketing is in high demand. This business idea doesn’t require any office space with a lot of employees and yet you can make a success out of this business. There are a ton of marketing business online, from SEO, social media marketing to content marketing which can function without the four walls of an office.


If you wish to impart expert advice on a subject from food, fashion or technology or anything else that you are interested in then creating a YouTube channel and making videos will help you become popular and earn money.


If you can teach something that you are expert in or know of such as playing piano or guitar, knowing a particular language that you can teach others then coaching can be your business idea. You can monetize your unique skills by transmitting the knowledge to others without having to get an office.

Event Management

If you are amazing with planning and organizing, event management can be the ideal business for you. You can start with offering your service to close friends and family then moving on to corporates and religious institutes without having to set up an office anywhere.

Real Estate

If you believe you can interact with people on a daily basis and have the skills to crack deals then you may become a broker to deal real estates. And you can start from the comfort of your home or own an online agency.


You can start your own catering business if you nail the culinary stuff. Rather working for somebody else in the restaurant you can start this business.

Tour guide

If you love the outdoors and enjoy showing people from far away lands around your city then consider a tour guide business. You must have the charisma and word of mouth publicity can give you regular business.

It is easier to start a business from home, all you need is to pick the right business idea and put in dedication as well as time to make your business a success.

(Photo credit: olsenmetrix, rochester)