Bill Gates Recommends These 5 Bestsellers to Everyone


Annually, Bill Gates releases a list of books that he likes and thinks everyone should read once. In the world’s richest man’s recent blog post, he provides us with five best sellers that he recommends and believes will inspire and stretch a person’s imagination. This includes the book that he apparently added as a not quite subtle commentary on Donald Trump’s coming to power.

String Theory by David Foster Wallace

Bill thinks everyone should read this book as he believes Wallace like in other of his brilliant works found incredible ways of bending language as a metal spoon. The book comes under the best seller category of Sports Essay and is a collection of five tennis essays.

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

This book is a memoir by the founder of Nike and is a best seller in the category of Individual Sports. In this book, Nike’s creator describes how he made it big. Bill thinks you should read it because, according to him, it is an honest reminder of how much it takes to make a business a success. He says it is all, “messy, precarious and riddled with mistakes.”

The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee

This book is basically a synopsis of the current status of gene research and technology. Bill believes we should all read this books as the new genome technology can affect us all in great ways. The book comes under the best seller category of Biology and Life Science.

The Myth of the Strong Leader by Archie Brown

This book makes a historical case that “strong leaders” usually solve the short term problems while creating long term, complicated ones. This book falls under the category of best seller Political Leadership. Bill wants us to read this as he believes Brown could not have predicted how the book could become resonant in 2016.

The Grid by Gretchen Bakke

This book from the best seller category of Environmental Engineering contains the history of the electronic grid, reasons it is failing and how to overcome it. According to Bill, the electrical grid is one of the modern world’s engineering wonders and thus he believes everyone should know about it.

(Photo Credit: CNBC)