How to Be Better At Making Snap Decisions


When you are at work you want to optimize each hour to be able to make quick and right decisions to keep moving forward. To be able to be more decisive can help you utilize the time that otherwise gets wasted going back and forth about it.

But it is only natural for some to take the time to make up their minds. The reason behind it is pretty obvious. At work, you need to make decisions that are completely thought through and to know you have made the right choice.

Fortunately, you can improve the skills to be able to make quick decisions and just the good ones.

Let us take a look at the strategies to make it easier.

Practice in your comfort zone

If you are already in a pressured situation where you have just too much to handle, making decisions can only add up to the pressure. Because you already have too much to do and stretching yourself to make and stick by a decision cannot help in improvising the skill.

If you are preoccupied with other unrelated but urgent deadlines then it is not the best time for you to challenge yourself to make a judgment without guessing twice. Instead, go for a time when you are less pressurized to multi-task.

There are times you will have to push yourself out of your comfort zones and make a choice regardless of the other things going on. However to getting used to doing it is best when you have plenty of time to yourself.

Make quick small decisions

The people who ponder well before making important decisions and go back and forth about it are the ones who even face troubles making the little choices.

For instance, if you are not able to decide whether to go for a promotion or not, probably you also have second thoughts about speaking during a meeting as well as whether or not to grab a cup of coffee before you sit down.

This means you are chronically indecisive and should start with the little decisions. Only give yourself 30 seconds to choose what you will have for dinner, which movie to watch or whether you will be going out tonight or not. Stick to the decision. Repeat the process and gradually turn to bigger choices.

Build yourself

Your thoughts after you have made a choice counts. If you bought a sandwich and really did not like it, what you think about your decisions can affect your future choices and help you make better decisions.

For instance, if your immediate thought after you made a bad choice of getting the wrong sandwich was that you are an idiot perhaps in the future you can remind yourself to not be a fool.

Another thought you can have is that you are glad that you tried something new even if it was a fail, encouraging you to make quick choices regardless of the outcome. You might be afraid that positive reinforcement can lead you to make some bad choices. But consider it yourself perhaps you would have made the same choice in a minute or even after deciding for it more than 10 minutes.

So it is better to give yourself a pat on your back for making the quick decision.

Give feedback to yourself

It is obviously not right to be praising yourself if you have a series of bad decisions and are failing to reach your goal. The productive way is to analyze your process and make sure you do better the next time.

Perhaps you notice a pattern of habit while you are on the spot to go for one thing. Perhaps you go for something really convenient for you, or maybe when you are unsure you let others speak and agree with whatever they pick.

Know what your tendencies are, and why they fail you. So the next time you can get hold of the bad habit before it happens again.

Like every other part of success, making swift and right decisions will have a few downfalls in the beginning. You will start keeping realistic expectations. You will always feel that you could have done things better and that’s okay.