These Alcoholic Drinks Are So Strong That They Will Surely Knock Out the Manliest Of You


For most adults alcohol overdosing is not something unusual. The usual drinks that we knock ourselves out with have 8 to 25 % of alcohol or to the max 40 %. You will hardly come across anything more than 40% at bars unless you demand it as the higher the alcohol by volume the more your chances of getting knocked out.

However, there’s a dark land of spirits where ABV goes up to a suicidal 96%. And we list down the world’s strongest drinks straight from hell.

Absinthe (45% to 72%)

It is best known for its hallucination inducing effects and easily available alcoholic drink. It is made with wormwood bark or Artemisia absinthium. Absinthe is available from 45% ABV to 85% ABV but most prefer to keep it safe and stick with 72% ABV.

Bacardi 151 (75.5%)

The bottle of 151 comes with stainless steel fire arrestor/ flame trap as a warrant for its potency. It’s usually used in quantities very small for rum-based cocktails such as daiquiris and Cuba Libre.

Devil Springs Vodka (80%)

This drink is one of the most infamous vodkas on earth. Devil Springs is best used to make flaming shots and cocktails.

Sunset Rum (84%)

Sunset is one of the world’s most robust rum. If you overindulge it can knock the senses out of you and it is inadvisable to down the drink as it can potentially shred your throat.

Good Ol’ Sailor Vodka (85%)

This drink is consumed highly in Sweden and the rest of the world hardly knows it. It can take one hell of a liver to handle.

Balkan (176-88%)

This is the strongest Scandinavian drink ever. The Balkan is strong colorless odorless and tasteless. There have been cases of people dying after consuming a lot in short periods of time of alcohol poisoning.

Pincer Vodka (88.8%)

It is the strongest potent drink from Scotland.

Bruichladdich X4+1 Quadrupled whiskey (92%)

World’s most alcoholic single malt whiskey is incredibly pure and potent due to the super precise distillation process.

Everclear (95%)

Everclear is a grain spirit drink containing a suicidal 95% alcohol. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless and don’t try too hard to taste it or you would have to get a tongue implant. Luxco, the American Spirit company manufactures and sells this drink.

Spirytus Rektyfikowany (96%)

This hard to pronounce Polish drink contains a murderous 96% alcohol and abusing this drink can literally take you to God. This vodka is more potent than the widely known Everclear and is the world’s strongest alcoholic beverage.