Gurbaksh Chahal-Brought Up in Slums Launched His Own Company by 16 and Is Now a Billionaire At 25


This is the story of Gurbaksh Chahal who spent his childhood in the slums but became one of the most successful entrepreneurs. And not just that he even managed to get his name up on the billionaire’s list.

When Gurbaksh was 16 he gave up studies to start his first firm. When he was 25, he had managed to setup two internet advertising companies. The companies were worth Rs 23 million and later he began dealing with giants such as Yahoo and Alliance Data. He is known as the Advertising King across the globe.

Gurbaksh born in Tarn Taran Sahib, Punjab was three years old when his whole family moved to America. The family used to survive in the slums trying to meet the ends by doing small businesses. He was since the beginning very intrigued by technology and the internet and was interest in it but lacked resources. But his growing interest made him quit school and launch his own firm. ClickAgents was the first company he started at the age of 16.

During this time ad-tech was a new concept and advertising was not in much demand. For the first six months, he couldn’t get hold of any contract and so he struggled hard to be successful with his company, however, never thought of giving up.

Few months passed before he got a contract from a programmer in London for advertising click program. And progressively the company grew bigger with the customer’s high response. With the increase of subscribers, he launched two more companies, “BlueLithium ” and “RadiumOne”.

In 2007, BlueLithium was sold to Yahoo for $300 million. This phenomenon made Gurbaksh’s name familiar to everyone in the ad-tech world. And this was also the time he became a billionaire at 25 years of age. With the growth of his internet advertising business, he found another firm called “Gravity4”, with its headquarters in San Francisco.

He was interviewed by Oprah in her famous American Tv show The Oprah Winfrey Show for his commendable talent and hard work. He is also awarded the most eligible bachelor.

(Photo Credit: Daily Mail, Performance Marketing Insider)