How to Talk About Your Best Work without Looking Boastful


Your productivity is high and you are achieving equally high at work. However, there are many cases where the boss really doesn’t know what you have been achieving.

Perhaps you are doing a lot of different tasks and are responsible for many projects. You are responsible for managing your own priorities and consider this as a sign of independence at work. For this sole reason, you avoid bothering your boss with minor issues. But when you find your performance review you feel like a lot is missing and you should make an effort to actually demonstrate the value you bring to the team and organization.

Communication is the key to making your efforts at the workplace to be recognized. You might HAVE to look boastful. The word carries negative connotation with it. But there is an effective way of being boastful about your work.

Doing it in the right way will display your accomplishments and provide you with the recognition you most highly deserve.

Have a Regular Meeting

Perhaps presently you are accustomed to meeting with your manager only during the performance assessment. However, you should discuss work at least once in every two weeks. It is not to bother your manager with a pity work but to make them aware of the valuable work you do.

Avoid meeting up always at the regular meeting hall. Take him somewhere quiet and discuss the extra time you put in a project or the additional success you gained in another. Keep notes to present the exact work you want to highlight.

Provide With the Right Context

Without the right context, you may actually sound like someone bragging about themselves. You have to state the goal that you are working towards and exactly why you had to put the extra efforts for it.

For instance, let your manager know that you had a crazy week just to present that report he was awaiting. Let them know how you stayed back to finish off all the work that was needed to be done from you, Share how you double check things that everyone has worked on so nobody’s efforts goes wasted. You look like someone who is challenge-driven. You indicate him the kind of hard work you exert.

Eventually, it is you who knows better about the work you do. For the professional success, it becomes crucial for you to present to the people who make the significant decisions for it such as your pay, role, and title.

The kind of dedication you display towards the organization must not go unseen. This is the missing link to connect for your boss to clearly see the bigger picture of your work. With practice, you will learn exactly how to brag without looking boastful.