Coronavirus India: Are We Aware What’s Coming!


Coronavirus cases are so far reported in 170 countries, and it has created havoc in countries like China, Spain, Italy, Iran, Germany, France, and South Korea. Till 18th March, the death toll in China, Italy, and Iran is 3237, 2503, and 1135 respectively.

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So far, coronavirus hasn’t affected India as it has done to Italy, China, Spain, and Iran. However, India, a developing nation, has a significant threat of getting affected badly by a coronavirus.

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Most of the people think coronavirus is just some other common flu, but in reality, its quite fatal.

A tweet by Jason Yanowitz, an Italian resident, is getting viral as he explains in his tweet thread how it affected Italy in the most fatal way.

Jason has divided the coronavirus epidemic into six stages based on how it affects people and the country. Here is the complete thread –

Italy couldn’t be saved, but we need to learn from their mistakes.


The condition in Italy got much worse than expected. We can learn from the mistakes of Italy and should prepare for the worst which can happen to us. The best bet to remain safe from coronavirus would be to follow the government guidelines and focusing on personal hygiene.