5 Easy Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples


Pimples are really very annoying and it just lowers our confidence. There are a lot of products available in the market which can help you get rid of those annoying pimples but it is not necessary that it’ll have a lasting effect on your skin. So, if you’re looking for some amazing natural ways to cure that pimples the here you go.

Lemon Juice:

Image result for lemon juiceIt’s a natural astringent and it’s antibacterial properties are great for clearing up skin. For best results, just apply the lemon juice directly to the skin and leave it for up to an hour. Then wash it with cold water.

Apple Cider:Image result for apple cider

Even apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties and it’s anti-fungal properties can work wonders on your skin. Ir is a very powerful natural remedy to fight againts rigid pimples. Dilute it when you use it and then apply a small amount to your skin. Use pure vinegar for best results.

Baking Soda:

Image result for baking sodaIt works magically on clearing up blemishes. It’s very pocket friendly and as it’s natural it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals. Baking soda helps in exfoliating, reducing inflammation, and it clears up skin. Make a paste using warm water and baking soda and apply it as a mask. Leave it for an hour and then rinse off.

Egg Whites:
Image result for egg whites
It can make a great home remedy for getting rid of pimples. You just have to simply separate the egg white from the yolk. Use a cotton ball to apply the egg white on your skin. It will make your skin glow and tighten. Let the egg white dry on your skin for an hour for best results.
Image result for papayaPapaya has always been a common ingredient in acne treatments. You can enjoy the same benefits without spending any money from your pocket. Mash up the flesh of the papaya to form a paste or a lotion consistency, and apply directly to the skin. Leave it on for up to 30 minutes, then rinse it off.
There are a lot of ways that you can treat pimple naturally. We have just listed the These best natural remedies for treating pimples quickly. Try these and get rid of those rigid pimples.