5 Best Fruits To Consume This Summer


As soon as the summer season hits our body, we start feeling dehydrated, tired, exhausted and in some cases nauseous. Just like you become summer-ready by buying sunscreens and summer-friendly outfits, similarly, plan a list of food items that are appropriate to consume in summer. The food items that you eat should be able to make you feel fresh, healthy and help in maintaining your body’s temperature.

Fruits are great sources of achieving all of the mentioned. However, you must know which fruits help the most in summer. The healthier option is to eat whole fresh fruits rather than juicing them up as juicing causes the fruits to lose fiber. Below presented are the list of fruits that are effective in keeping you fresh under the boiling sun and retaining good health.

1. Oranges

Oranges have an exceptional amount of Vitamin C nutrient in them which naturally helps in UV protection. Stress can bug you during summer but intake of oranges can keep stress levels low even improving the red blood cell production in your body. In summer you are more prone to infections and perspiration. Oranges help in keeping away any infections and reload potassium in your body that is lost due to perspiration.

2. Melons

This includes watermelons or muskmelons. It is obvious to increase the intake of watermelons during summer as it contains high levels of water content which benefits for keeping yourself hydrated throughout summer and feel refreshed. Watermelon is also known to protect your skin against any damage from the sun. Muskmelon is another healthy choice of fruits during summer. It is high in vitamins and other nutrients that help in building strong immunity.

3. Grapes

Grapes are very easily acquirable and easy to eat. Snacking on grapes during this steaming hot weather can satisfy your thirst. In case you are looking to lose weight this summer, then grapes are the best choice. It helps in reducing the capacity of cells to store fats.

4. Strawberries

Strawberries are well known as delicious deserts along with some chocolate or ice-cream, which is a delightful way to treat you, during summer. Meanwhile, you gain essential nutrients from it which keeps your body healthy, prevents infections and is known to fight cancer.

5. Pineapples

Another fruit that is very conveniently available during the summer season that is very refreshing for the body is pineapples. They possess anti-inflammatory properties and helps in digestion of proteins and fats.

These five fruits are budget friendly and must be included in your diet during the summer. You should even enjoy some tender coconut water during summer to quench your undying thirst, to maintain your electrolyte levels and revitalize your body.