4 Brilliant Entrepreneurs Share 4 Productivity Hacks


A productivity hack is something that helps you to get done things in a short amount of time. It could be some kind of trick or strategy. Some basic hacks are familiar such as drinking coffee or planning the day, the night before. But there are many such hacks that are particular to one person and known to less.

Tese successful entrepreneurs are people who we always try to find inspiration from for almost everything. And surely they have some tricks up their sleeves for high productivity. Here are 6 entrepreneurs who boast productivity hacks that are totally brilliant.

Elon Musk starts with critical emails

The founder and CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, all future technology-focused companies manage all those projects on a day to day basis starting at 7 in the morning by addressing critical emails for half an hour. He filters out any emails that aren’t critical and focuses on catching up with the just most important things that need his attention. He gets a quick start on the day in that half hour and helps him focus on priorities for the coming hours.

Jeff Bezos uses the two pizza rule

Everyone with professional experience has at least once been to a meeting that ended up being a waste of time. Meetings that are meant for critical opportunities communication and collaboration but end up turning into chaotic ordeals as the people involved were poorly organized and executed.

The big reason why meetings turn into a waste of time is due to the sheer number of people involved which is why Jeff Bezos has the two pizza rule. He won’t invite more people to a meeting than two pizzas could sufficiently feed.

Richard Branson Makes lists

Lists are very common in the productivity world and Richard Branson would show you how they can implement for about anything. He is known to carry a notebook essentially everywhere and prefers handwritten lists to digital ones. He transforms everyday tasks to all the long-term goals into digestible lists that can be done and crossed one by one.

Lists help him to keep everything written down and never miss out on anything. Tasks are more achievable as they are organized and you may never face an idea slip ever.

Steve Jobs was known to focus on only the best ideas

He was known to be somewhat brutal in his approach to management and leadership. He was intolerant of bad ideas and demanding of his employees. However, he did get results. He filtered out everything that was not a top-notch idea. On Corporate retreats, he was known to collect a list of 100 ideas from his top executives on how the company, Apple could improve in the following year. He would cross out any idea that he felt was dumb and keep filtering until he had a list of top 10. Out of those 10, he would use three as the company focus for the next year. According to his perspective, only 3% of ideas were worth spending time on.

(Photo credit: timedotcom, businessinsider)