Things You Should Know About Business before Starting Your Career


Being in the business world everybody learns few basics and certain new things. There are concepts that work and there are few that fail. There are few patterns that some people follow which determines whether they will succeed in their careers or hinder their career and become unhappy.

Some feel it would have been a lot better if someone would have stopped them from taking certain steps that sabotaged their career. Or there are few who feel they could do better had they known certain things at the start of their career.

Here are things you should know about a business before starting your career.

Someone is doing something that upsets you right about now

Someone in your company somewhere is doing something that really upsets you. They are basically violating your rule of business and life. However, stop letting it affect you and steal your happiness. Your principles are not the rule of thumb.

Always be vigilant of what you say about others

You should only say things about your colleague behind their back that you are not afraid to say to them face to face. What you say about them could get back to them and it probably will.

Monday blues are your cues

The Monday blues are a sign that you should quit. It is because you hate your career or certainly at least your job. If this is your regular Monday routine then it is best that you quit the business you are in.

Experience isn’t all

It is not all about experience in certain businesses and assuming that you will need experience for a particular position in that business is not right. The employers do not really have a fixed set of requirements. They build it as they progress based on what you make them think about you and whether they like you. Inspire people and change things by amazing them.

Ask for what you want

You should always ask for the job title you want. You have got absolutely nothing to lose.

Until told otherwise, the answer is ‘yes’

You really need to stop asking for permission. Start taking action. If you have the best intentions planned for the business then surely the best will happen. Asking for permission hinders you to innovate. There will be plenty of reasons why people will tell you not to take certain actions some of which would be due to personal opinions. However, if there are no strict guidelines for you to not do it you should and say sorry later.

Persistently negotiate salary

No matter what career you choose at a point, you will have to put a price tag on yourself. Know your worth and then let the business give you a figure. Ask for significantly more money once more. You deserve to be paid for what you do so never be afraid to ask for what you are worth.

It is okay to walk away

If the salary offer doesn’t impress you, just walk away. If you can’t see a good future for the business you are working for, walk away. You can always change direction and even if you think there isn’t there is always better opportunities.

Be grateful for your career

Knowingly or unknowingly there have been people in your life who have helped in many ways to reach this point of career. Be grateful for that and to them.

Never forget where you started

You might have become a big shot business owner etc or about to become one however always remember where you came from. You should always remember the hard work and respect others who are in the same scenario as you when you were just trying to climb the ladder. With this people will respect you back.

Take risks

You will take the best decisions once you start taking risks. Go for something that intimidates you to the core.

Always say what you think

Do you think some product or service sucks? Then tell them. If a process is taking too long tell them. If you are not happy about something to express your thoughts. If you tell the truth and express thoughts in a respectful manner then you are sure to go places.

You will find opinions everywhere

Everybody has an opinion and you will find many such in your career. It is crucial to listen to the ones that make sense to you, others that don’t just ignore.

Minimize the negative people

There are many negative people that you will encounter in your career. Avoid them as much as possible. These are the people who point out something wrong in everything.

While you grow as a person, your career will grow too

The more you develop as a person the more growth you will see in your career. It is important that you work on yourself every day. Improve your mindset and find unique ways to provide value.