6 Nitty-Gritty Things In Life Which You Must Consider In Order To Be Successful


We skip on a lot of things that we must take care of and sometimes they’re important.

Nitty and gritty things in life sometimes define our core personality.

Here is a list of 6 of those which you must consider in order to be successful: 

Quit caring and take ownership.

Unbelievable happiness comes from a self-belief that’s not swayed by people’s opinions of you. So many people don’t do what they love because of what others say or think. They hedge and settle in life. Not caring takes intestinal fortitude. By 91, you’ll be stunned by how little you care.

Be Yourself!

You don’t make a good first impression on most people because that you curse and have an ego. What they don’t know if you equally have humility. Be not a snake oil salesman; rather be a good dude.

I’m not as big as I could be—in terms of followers, book sales, impact on the world—because of the way I come out of the gate with energy, bravado and a love of competition. Yet I don’t change because authenticity will always win.

Invest in personal growth.

Albert Einstein once said:

Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.

And my message is that you can’t grow a business past your own personal growth. So, always be a better version of your own self.

Learn or retire.

Many of us think that once we’ve graduated from school or college, we’re done learning. Wrong. You must remain a student until the day you die. You must create your own syllabus for what you will learn next.

Be responsible

There was a point in your life when you feel the need to make some serious changes and take things up a level. After one introspection,  try to boil it down to one crazily simple idea: I have done this and I can only improve it further.

The immense power of this mature mindset will hit you a few days later in an aha note. So, just accept the present moment and take steps accordingly.

Be confident but not arrogant

When the faultfinding is unfair, instead of being squashed, be kind to yourself. Ignite a fire in yourself using positive self-testimony. Know who you are on the inside. That knowledge protects you from anyone who is simply out to attack the inner person. When you have that inner confidence coupled with an unstoppable drive, it leaves very little room for burnout.