Reasons Behind Startup Failures


Building a startup is not easy. It’s an attitude and a mindset. Startups fail because founders don’t know what makes a business successful.


Start-ups implode through internal interpersonal, philosophical, or ethical differences far more often than they get crushed by the competition.

It is also more of an insidious threat because as a venture gets traction and begins to really scale, the egos come out of the woodwork and this is very dangerous territory.

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This is when the tyrants emerge, the extramarital affairs with coworkers, the gambling addictions, the booze, blow and hookers.

We always think that our idea is the best and it will work so we start with the development of the product without validating it.

Simple idea validation trick is to create a survey form either online or offline. Find your potential customers and ask them blatantly whether they would pay money for this product.


Complementary Skill sets, splitting the early expenses, distributing the stress, and mitigating investors risk are some advantages of having co-founder(s). Decide roles and work accordingly. Co-founders should do everything on their own in the start so they can improve the process and help other team members in case they stuck.  

Startup Allocation of Funds


Businesses think it’s just a fund-raising tool. Writing out your business plan forces you to review everything at once: your vision, value proposition, marketing assumptions, operations plan, financial plan and staff. Take a look at the north star whenever you are stuck.


The right selection of team members is the major factor which determines the success of any startup. The reason behind this is timing.

Many times the product launched is too new for the users to adapt to it or the technology required for your product may not be available openly everywhere.


Many people say that Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc don’t do advertising but still, they are among most successful companies, but they should understand that this is not true at all or I will say this is only one side of the story.

When Google, facebook came they had fewer competitors among which good quality product emerged victoriously. But in today’s time, the situation is not the same.

A good quality product will alone not ensure the success of the product but the good marketing tactics are equally important due to the increase in competition.

To sum it all, “Startups fail when they are not solving a market problem. We were not solving a large enough problem that we could universally serve with a scalable solution.

We had great technology, great data on shopping behaviour, great reputation as a leader, great expertise, great advisors, etc, but what we didn’t have was technology or business model that solved a pain point in a scalable way.”

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