These Are Ways for Entrepreneurs to Stay Fit who Are Too Busy to Exercise


As a busy entrepreneur staying in shape is the most difficult. To add up there are workplace stress, long office hours and unhealthy choice of food items that take a toll on the overall health. To keep the business up and running they have to sacrifice a lot, especially on health matters. So considering the busy schedule and demanding operations how can an entrepreneur stay fit when they have no time?

Move more when you are at work

Sucheta Pal, the celebrity Zumba trainer, shares a simple hack which is to move while working. If you work long hours in the office stand more often from your desk or tread across the corridor. She suggests opting for a standing desk so that you stand and work. Go for a more healthy outlet for your takeaways and go for small walks after your lunchtime to get the metabolism activated.

Opt for a healthier present for a healthier future

In many countries, soft drink consumption is held responsible for the major growth rate of obesity. Most of the aerated drinks are considered unhealthy due to the high sugar content. Piyush Mathur, CEO-Hielo Beverages India, suggests that a key to healthy life is a balanced diet paired with a fitness regime.

Everybody is health driven due to the current scenario. He explains that the available aerated drinks in the market have a definite amount of harmfulness to human health also, due to the preservatives. He suggests to instead opt for a beverage that has natural sources of fiber and Vitamin contents as well as other necessary minerals to support a healthy lifestyle. It helps to avoid severe heart conditions, adversity to reproductive systems or obesity.

Never choose work for your health

The CEO & Founder of Healthhunt Pooja Sachin Duggal, advice that one should never choose work over health but try accomplishing both. As much efforts, you put in your work you will have to put in to take care of your health.

She furthers suggests to take calls while pedaling on the exercise bike, revise the business proposals while your sweating on the treadmill. Hold internal meetings in the park early morning. Pick a healthier restaurant for business meetings and go for alcoholic drinks without sugary mixers.

These little measures will help you in the long run to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Educate yourself about nutrition label readings so that you can make choices wisely.