How Skinny Men Should Dress Up


Most believe that skinny men have it easy when it comes to dressing up. They have clothes that fit and flatter. However, the truth is that it is far from what it looks. The skinny men know that they face problems with dressing up almost in various manners.

So here is a detailed list of easy ways how skinny men can dress.

While buying trousers check for the hem so you can alter it. You can ask your tailor to give you the best fit in the leg and also on the waist area. Remember when buying trousers or jeans the slimmer the better.

Layer smart to look amazing. Make sure each layer is slim fitted to not look like a person who has thrown on all the clothes from his wardrobe.


Wear a slim fit shirt. However counterintuitive it may seem it will make your torso seem heavy especially when the fabric of the shirt is either denim or mix cotton.

Winter should be a skinny guys favorite season. You can go all out with your coats, mufflers, sweaters, and jackets.

You should either go for light colored jeans such as white or go for bold colors. You should choose for patterns that are horizontal like horizontal stripes. These will ensure an additional 5 kilo gain on your look.

Don’t wear pointed shoes as they look mediocre and will emphasize the slimness of your legs.

For an on-trend look, you can roll up your t-shirt sleeves. This will not just add bulk but also make your muscles seem bigger.

For belts never go for oversized ones as it will overshadow your personality. Your belts should be small and something that complements your body type.

At the same, avoid wearing large accessories like watches, sunglasses or oversized bags because it will rather draw attention to your slim body.

(Photo Credit: Pinterest)