Humanity Just Lost Its Meaning- A Mumbai-kar Being Accused of Raping a ‘Dog’!


No news that India is worsening day-by-day when it comes to women safety. But, a recent news that has floated has dropped the level of bullshit even lower as it just proved that the country has even become less secure about the sexual safety of its animals!

A 41-Year-old guard in one of the Mumbai’s housing complexes was found guilty of raping a dog.

Ram Naresh, who is a guard in a housing complex near Chembur Naka was seen taking the dog into the bathroom for three days and was seen coming out after every 5-7 minutes.

This entire incident was exposed by one of the apartment’s residents Asmita Deshmukh when she saw this with her own eyes during when she went out to throw garbages. She saw that the guard was taking the dog into a bathroom followed by loud cries of the poor animal.

When knocked on the doorstep, the accused was seen tucking his trousers inside while the dog laying lifeless and bleeding by its genitals in the commode.

After the incident, the animal was quickly taken to the hospital and veterinary surgeons reported that the dog was in a state of trauma and had immense pain in the groin areas.

Later reports suggested that dog’s vulva has been swelled up by a form of sexual attack.

The pitiful man is now charged under section 377 of the IPC and PETA has got involved with the entire proceedings. It has communicated the issue to the agency that hired this guard and is seeking strict actions against both.

After the police were called, the vile man was charged under 377 of the IPC. Now, PETA has contacted the security agency which hired the accused; PETA is seeking an action from the agency as well.

Now, this is not the only sort of incident that has happened or is happening- if Mumbai has seen something like this, how can Delhi be far away? Given that it holds a consistent reputation of sexual assaults.

Just the previous month, a female dog was raped by a taxi driver and left to die in Delhi. Yes, you heard us right!

This not only reflects the cheapest of mentality that has been in the air nowadays but also makes us wonder where we are really heading as a society? We raped women, we raped foreigners, we raped babies and now animals too! Now what? Lizards may be!

Where on one side, the world is focusing on settling colonies on Mars, we are here busy saving cows and raping dogs!

This article doesn’t intend to laugh off this hideous act of a mindless person who has crossed the very boundary of being human but does raise a concern over the very mentality of our so-called developing society.

Puppy shame, for sure!